Healing Reiki Therapy


Reiki is a traditional Japanese technique for stress release, relaxation and healing. It works by tapping into the natural energy of your body which come from the words “ki” in Japanese meaning “energy” and “rei"meaning "universal life". Energy can stagnate in the body causing blockages especially where there has been physical or emotional pain. If ignored these blocks make you more unbalanced stressed and weaker over time but Reiki helps to relieve this stagnation allowing better flow of energy.

60 and 90 Minute Sessions Available


  • The main benefit of Reiki, which also facilitates the other benefits that people experience, is a reduction in stress, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  • A stressed body can’t heal and a stressed mind struggles to focus. The deep relaxation of Reiki allows you to let go of some of the stress your body and mind is holding on to and jump start the natural healing process. 

  • A reduction in physical and emotional ailments such as pain, depression, anxiety and an overall improved mood.

  • Improvements to sleep patterns and a reduction in fatigue and exhaustion. 

  • Feelings of relaxation, calmness, self-confidence and an overall sense of wellness that last well beyond the end of your session..

A Few More Things

Reiki sessions are tailored around your individualised needs. For information about session times and availability, contact me via email or book now.


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